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Research / Copies

The Cape May County Genealogical Library offers extensive information on our county’s rich past as well as the people who forged its history.  Many local families today can trace their ancestors' roots deep in our sand. With the second largest population of Mayflower descendants in the nation, Cape May County’s family lines reach back to the earliest founders. In addition to our vast genealogy records, our library and archives offers an unparalled depth of information about the history of Cape May County.  Family files, maps, journals and press clippings are all available to bring your search alive. Not sure where to begin? Have a specific question? Our staff is available to assist you in your search.

The following resources are offered to help with your research.

Library Research, Photograph Copies, and Fees

(effective June 1, 2019) 

NOTE: Due to limited staffing, all visits to the Robert Alexander Genealogical Library require appointments.  No exceptions will be made. 

On-Site Research 

In-person research is available to everyone, regardless of Society membership, by appointment only. Self-guided research in the library is not available at this time. All research materials (including library books, genealogical files, photograph collections, newspapers, etc.) will be pulled by library staff and made available during the research appointment.


  • Members-in-good-standing (current membership in place, longer than 1 month in duration) can enjoy free in-person research. No library staff assistance will be provided.
  • Members-in-good standing (current membership in place, longer than 1 month in duration) may request library staff research assistance at $40 per hour.
  • Non-members can schedule a 1-hour appointment for $55. Each additional hour is $45. Please note: This includes library staff assistance which is required for all non-member research. 

How to schedule on-site research:

1) Fill out a Research Request Form and submit it to the library staff at or mail directly to CMCHGS, 504 Route 9 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 ATTN: Research. The library staff must receive this prior to your appointment.

2) Request an appointment directly with the library staff at or 609-465-3535.

3) If you are a member requesting library staff assistance or a non-member, you may pay fees in several ways: Either by check made out to CMCHGS (mail to CMCHGS at 504 North Route 9, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210) or via PayPal (please include in the note what you are paying for).

Librarian Research 

Members and non-members may hire our library staff to complete research in the Robert Alexander Genealogical Library. Library staff are not able to travel off-site to complete research at other facilities on your behalf. Please allow 8-10 weeks' time for your request to be addressed by our research staff. All invoices must be paid in full prior to the release of information.


  • Members-in-good-standing (current membership in place, longer than 1 month in duration): $50 per hour. 
  • Non-members: $65 per hour. 
  • Copies of the first 5 pages of information are included (copies of photos are not included).
  • Research requests require a 1-hour minimum deposit.
  • Additional hours, postage and handling, and copying fees will be billed (see below for photocopy fees).

How to schedule librarian research:

1) Fill out a Research Request Form and submit it to the library staff at or mail directly to CMCHGS, 504 Route 9 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 ATTN: Research. 

2) Pay fees either by check made out to CMCHGS (mail to CMCHGS at 504 North Route 9, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210) or via PayPal (please include in the note what you are paying for).     

Mailed Document/Text Photocopies

  • Photocopies of documents/text: $.50 per 8.5" by 11.5" page
  • Larger formats are available at higher rates 
  • Cost of postage and handling: $15 

Digital Document Copies

Digital copies of genealogical documents may be obtained at the following rates. Please note that larger files will require delivery via mailed thumbdrive.

  • Up to 50 pages: $10
  • 50 to 100 pages: $20
  • 100 to 150 pages: $30
  • Cost of postage and handling for mailed thumbdrive: $10

Photographs and Images

How to request digital copies of photographs and/or other imagery:

1) Fill out the first page of the Use Agreement Form and submit it to the library staff at or mail directly to CMCHGS, 504 Route 9 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 ATTN: Research. This is your "photo request".

2) Read our Photograph and Image Use Policies; print a copy for your records.

3) Library staff will contact you with the status of your request within two to four weeks (often sooner!). They will return the original Use Agreement Form with their permissions outlined on the second page.

4) Fill out and sign the top half of the second page of the Use Agreement Form that was returned to you by the library staff. This is your acknowledgement of the Conditions of Use and Use Policies.

5) Return the Use Agreement Form to the library staff once again, this time with your Conditions of Use/Use Policies agreement complete.

6) Complete payment of Service and Use Fees. Please confirm fees with library staff prior to making a payment. We may not be able to provide copies of all photos requested.

7) Pay fees either by check made out to CMCHGS (mail to CMCHGS at 504 North Route 9, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210) or via PayPal (please include in the note what you are paying for).

8) Once library staff have received your complete payment, and your signed Use Agreement Form, they will sign and finalize the Use Agreement Form and send it back to you. This serves as your contract.

9) Digital copies of requested images will be e-mailed once steps 1-8 have been completed, and once the library staff have retrieved/scanned all requested images.

Book Your Tour Online
Hours of Operation

Wednesday & Friday
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Closed Dec. 14th, 2024 to Jan. 7th, 2025

~Guided Tours Only~
Wednesday & Friday
10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon

Closed Dec. 14th, 2024 to Jan. 31st, 2025

~By Appointment Only~
Wednesday & Friday
Monday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Closed Dec. 14th, 2024 to Jan. 7th, 2025

~Free Self-Guided Exhibit~
Wednesday & Friday
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Closed Dec. 14th, 2024 to Jan. 7th, 2025